
Monday 25 February 2013

Bug :/

There is a bug on MSP! They got a design studio but now I can't go on forums, chat to people, go to chat rooms, go on youtube, or go on my profile. I can't buy clothes or items or anything like that! So I quit until they fix the bug!

Sunday 24 February 2013

Updates... ON ME!

Lol xD So anyway, I will post a few pictures and videos from now on... ALL ABOUT MEH! Lol x

Yeah, I got a new outfit :) I kinda like it! Who am I kidding? I LOVE IT! HeeHee! Anyway, I decided to go by colour themes now! Here is my wishlist:

The top 2 items (College Jacket and Deerstalker Hat) Aren't part of a set I just like em! Lol
So, anyway. I'm going now, to make a video to post on here :) Lol x Seeya soon :)

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Music Video!

As you know I was making a music video to Cher Lloyd. Here it is:
Yeah, sorry for the jumpy music! Oh yeah, by the way, don't say the boo hoo hoo is out of time - it was meant to be like that. So enjoy! More coming soon!

Sunday 17 February 2013


I have 2 bits of news. Which do you wanna hear first? The first bit? Ok...

I am going to start interviewing people and putting the interviews on this blog! If you wanna be interviewed, just send me a message on MovieStarPlanet! :D

The other bit is that I'm doing a video for MSP and I need some stars... If you wanna be one either comment below or message me on MSP!

Hey! I just thought of more news! xD I'm doing a banner thingy majigy! Lol xD Basically I will make you a banner for your blog or just for your use! I don't expect any credit, it's fun to do! So, I will make a banner form and then you can comment on that asking for one!

Friday 15 February 2013

Want You Back

I'm making a music video for Want You Back by Cher Lloyd. So yep, that's some of the news. Other news:

I am making banners for anyone who wants one! I will make an order page and you can order from there! Here is an example! They aren't well developed at the moment, but the will get better as I go along!
K' Bye

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Parents Evening

It was my parents eveing tonight! For those of you who don't know, Parents Evening is where your mum and dad go to talk to your teacher about your behaviour and work... Mine was AWESOME! My Dad said if I get at least 34 in my maths test (It's out of 40) I will get a video camera! I've wanted one for ages now! :D :D :D He said if I got 39 I would get a 6 month membership too! Yaay! Woo! HAPPY MODE ACTIVATE! Doo daa doo daa doo daa! Imma come back after I have a partehhh!

Friday 8 February 2013

Fashion ♥

Yeah... So I'm thinking on putting a fashion section on this blog :) I just made a gorgeous outfit and I saw loads of other clothes that would totally fit together! So I'm making a fashion section to either put just one item or a whole outfit togther! Comment what you think...