
Monday 4 February 2013


Haven't posted for a while so have so much to share!

1. My wishlist on MSP! Omgggg... FREAKING OUT!
I am less then 100 away frommy whole flipping wishlist! I can't wait - will definetely be buying tonight! I can't believe it! I'm just like ASDFGHJKL! OMGGGGGG FREAKINGGGGGG! HELLLLLLLPPPPPP MEEEEE SSSSSTTTTTAAAAAYYYY CALLLMMMMMMM! I've never been able to buy a WHOLE outfit (Top, Bottoms, Shoes Hair, Accessories) So OMG DYING HERE! It costs 2325 and I have 2253! Less than 1 flipping hundered! ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL I'm just hyperrrrr!

2. School :) / :(
Well at my school we have some visitors from Germany, France and Italy! They are so fun and speak very good English! Year 6 (My Class)  have to teach them all playground games like Jump Jim Joe (Google It) and Oranges and Lemons (Google it)! They seem like fun and I can't wait to get the oppurtuntiy to go to their countries too :D Anyway, that's the :)
The :( is nothing at the minute - all happy! Sooo... See the next section for more updates!

3. Instagram :(
My instagram has been hacked! It was @caitlint123345, but if you search for it, it says I don't flipping exist! :-@ I made a new one - @Shut_Up_And_Yolo
Follow me!

4. Crisps
Every crisp packet expiry date is a Saturday! Scareddd... I checked too! It was on the radio in my car!

5. Minecraft

Okay yeah, I'm becoming a bit of an addict! I built a fun fort thing! It has:
-My Room
-An Adult Bar
-Gold room
-Glowstone room
-Ice Rink

I'm going to build:
-Family Bar
-Swimming pool
- Tree house lounge
- Snow fun
- Target Practice
If I think of anything else I will blog again :)

Teas ready now, but I don't wanna stay away long, be back after I've finished!

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