
Sunday 27 January 2013

Guess what?!?

Yep, that's right. I'm staying! My friend talked me into staying, she said:
-Everyone will miss you
-You always told me that even though it's never ever ever going to happen, you want to be like Ishacool.
-Look where you've come to. You're proud of where you are, so don't stop now
She said loads more but if I type it all, it would take about an hour!
So yeah. I'm back. Back for good. Well until I'm about 15/15 or possibly 16. I don't see how I ever got sick of it in the first place. I don't see an age limit. Anyone could use it, as you can design fashion and make movies. I don't find it babyish at all! So, I'm back baby! xD

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